uploads/line crosser.jpg

line crosser 1.工賊。2. 越出行為規范者;失禮者。

line dance

The glyph is “ a combination of the greek epsilon , as a sign of the weight of european civilization ; an e for europe ; and the parallel lines crossing through standing for the stability of the euro “ 歐元符號是希臘語字母第五字厄普西隆、 e和兩條平行線的結合,分別象征歐洲文明、歐洲和歐元穩定。

He claims to be in constant touch with albert einstein but i think he ' s got his lines crossed 他宣稱一直與艾伯特?愛因斯坦保持聯系,我想他是搞錯了。

Paired - line cross 雙十字線

But will the two parallel lines cross one day . . 黃昏,傾盆大雨,兩人匆忙交換電話號碼后分手,其后發現號碼化作一片。

The lines seem to be crossed . / we must havegotten our lines crossed 好像有外線干擾。 /我們的線路一定和別人串線了。

The top of his head is the veil line crossing mona lisa ' s forehead 他的頭頂正好是蒙娜?麗莎前額的面紗邊線。

We must have gotten our lines crossed 我們的線路一定和別人的串線了。

On - line cross - language retrieval methods 信息時代信息檢索工具發展的新走向